Blizzard Entertainment has released patches for the game to fix bugs, add new features, and balance multiplayer. Sea units were reintroduced they had been present in Warcraft II but were absent in Reign of Chaos. Released in stores worldwide in multiple languages beginning on July 1, 2003, it includes new units for each race, a new neutral race, four campaigns, five neutral heroes (an additional neutral hero was added April 2004 and two more were added in August 2004), the ability to build a shop and various other improvements such as the ability to queue upgrades. It is the official expansion pack to Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos, requiring Reign of Chaos to play. Do this and you can just overpower the second base as it is know 2 on 1.Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne is a real-time strategy computer game developed for Microsoft Windows, Mac OS and Mac OS X by Blizzard Entertainment. Have your shadow hunter( if you have one ) heal the units as best as you can. In the battle have your tauren chieftain ( if you have one ) protect the headhunters no matter who's they are. If you and your partner both get 7 grunts/trolls and then each have a hero fast enough,then one base should fall easily. Whenever you have 7 of the unit you picked to build, then coordinate an attack with your ally. While you are creeping build some towers for defense. Once your hero is built let him go around and attack creeps with however many grunts/trolls as you have at that point. When building headhunters, choose shadow hunter as your hero and give him healing wave. If building grunts, then pick Tauren Chieftain as your first hero and give him warstomp. You must also keep building peons and borrows so you have enough gold and lumber to do this quickly enough. When you are playing two on two with the orcs as your partner you must either focus on buiding grunts and your ally build headhunters, or vice versa. Before you're going for the final fight try always to have an healscroll and if it's possible, a protection scroll. The optimal hero choose vs this strategy is Farseer or Blademaster as a first hero and always Tauren Chieftain(TC) as second hero.

Then build some raiders and demolishers to be able to make more pressure on the nightelf base. Try to figure out when the Nightelf reaches tier 2 and try to kick her/his buildings when they are being build. What you as an orc have to is to take pressure on the Nightelf base as much as possible. The disadvantage (and so that, what orc players have to use to win) is, that the Nightelf army isn't very strong until the army reaches a certain supply value(usually 50). grunt), the unit will go down immediately. The advantage of this strategy is that one single ranged unit isn't that strong, but when all units focus together on one orc unit (i.e. Mass Ranged Mass Ranged means, the Nightelf (NE) player doesn't have any blockers (melee units) to support his army.